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If you enjoy Steven Harris’ training style, then you may find his recent podcasts on energy and science topics (manufacturing, natural gas, and more) valuable to your specific situation. This podcast was uploaded by Harris in late July 2022. It covers a wide range of information pertaining to natural gas and how it affects the everyday person.

From the snippet about this episode:

There is a crisis and a war on Natural Gas right now both in the USA and Europe and around the entire world.   Nautral gas makes all of the Nitrogen based fertilizer that we use for crop yield that feeds the entire planet and all of our explosives used for mining come from it.   Since EVERYTHING in your entire LIFE is either grown or mined the price, availability, laws, regulations, control on natural gas affects all life on the planet and you right down to the level of what is on the shelf at your local store.   This is the Science and Technology of Natural gas and we do not dumb it down for ‘people’ we raise you UP and explain the details so you understand all the apsects of the Science and Technology and how it affects you and how you never knew. There is a famine coming upon the world from this and you are going to feel it. 

Here is the episode:

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