Earlier this week in Steven Harris’ Nuclear War Survival Skills Telegram group, he posted this:
FOR THOSE WHO NEED TO MEASURE RADIATION. I posted a link a few days or week, ago to this video of “Radioactive Drew” and in there, he shows off the new version of a meter, the 102, that just got released in production because the 101 was out..
I wanted one, could NOT get it, but, I’m Harris, I have OTHER meters. This meter is an incredible little device. here: https://radiacode.com/ (Watch the youtube video FIRST, then get it, so you at least know what it does) is a great device. Radiation meter, dosimeter, and gamma spectrometer, which, most of you are going “HUH” to…
This is a ‘low range device’ and it will read up to 0.1 Rad which, you are NOT getting without fallout or nuclear incident accident situation. Fall out goes MUCH HIGHER, beyond what this does, but this will read ‘radiation in food and water’, its that sensitive…but for higher levels you NEED to have WITH THIS the NUKE ALERT https://amzn.to/449Dr0l which is made by 30+ year PEER of mine at www.KI4U.com, but, you can’t get it from their site unless you get the ‘package’ so get it from amazon.
Last time I talked to Shane he had about 4000 left and that is it, NO MORE, he’s retired. Don’t like it, tough crap, you should of gotten all this earlier. Between these 2 meters, you are covered…but… Steve… is there not something better on Amazon…. like… this stupid little pen dosimeter that goes in my pocket. NO. F NO. If there was, I’d of told you, linked it to you, told you about it, as of 06-21-2023 this combination is the best a regular civilian is going to get.
It will keep you covered in all levels. DO Harris a favor, if you get the Radiacode 102, and yes, I know its in Crete but, mine showed up in 1 week via fed-ex international and fast. Really good. Its all I expected it to be. IF you buy it, in the comments section put. “Found you via Steven Harris NuclearWarSurvivalSkills.com and RadioActive Drew” please put that whole thing in quotes in the comments section in your order form. YOU won’t get shit. We won’t get SHIT. THEY will know that there is demand and via where it came and thus hopefully, keep it in production. Get both meters if you have nothing. Don’t wait for the 1st bomb since 1945 to go off an War.
From https://t.me/nwssbook
Here is the YouTube video he referenced:
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