Steven Harris Hasty Water Collection And Purification For Bulk Storage

The video below is a review of Steven Harris’ “hasty water” video training series. It covers an overlooked topic which is how to obtain and purify a lot of water quickly in any type of challenging situation: natural disaster, grid-down, SHTF, or other. There likely are several topics you haven’t yet considered which are in his training:
Here is more from Harris:
“Hasty Water”. This is about “Hasty” water collection and all of the treatment and filtering that goes with it. You are helping me put in the final pieces of the story and the puzzle because you are all different and not where I am and don’t need and do what I do. Plus, You and I go harvesting water from places (drinking water, ready to go) that you normally would not have access too.
We start with a huge thunderstorm and water running outside the door and we are sucking up 30 gallons into barrels with a battery operated pump and then you see me, store it, treat it, filter it multiple ways, the how and why and do a finishing “Polish” on the water to make it like the best bottled water, or better, that you have ever gotten, and it fell from the sky and ran over the dirty pavement.
We also cover getting water ready to drink from almost any place around you in a modern area. This is what I published on the power circle to see if people would be interested in being interested. The gist of the video, and…well, you know me, I have more than one gist, is, the water that is all around you. That you cannot see… that you cannot get to, unless you have 1 of the about 10 keys to get it.
They are everywhere, Walmart by the garden center (outside), gas stations, car washes, conveyance stores, almost every building has an outside tap and most of them, do NOT have a ‘knob’ on them. Come explore with Harris, and find where to find water, where others cannot. Imagine yourself escaping, exfilling, running from disaster, a wildfire, the big earthquake, and you want fresh clean ‘city’ or ‘well’ drinking water, that you don’t have to treat (but… I cover that), just fill it up at the tap, and go.
NOT buying water for $10 or $20 or $30 a gallon at the store as the hoard of people fleeing the hurricane that just jumped to a CAT 4, is now 2 days away, and when people flee, they are like locust, they used their charge card and buy up everything in the path of flight that can be 800 miles long. Just say, Texas, Harvey. and see what people say.
I have a water harvesting bag…. with some tools in it. (Dave taught me half of these). So…. here is a sneak peak.
When you need to get lots of water quickly where you can purify it later then check out Harris’ course. Whether you are traveling with a bug out trailer, at an off-grid location, or just are at home during a natural disaster — getting LOTS of water quickly and safely is going to be a top priority. This has nothing to do with “survival water filters” or what you already know. This is different, so enjoy what you learn from Harris.
This is just one of the ways which you will learn to get lots of water quickly to take back and purify later. There are many others covered in the training:

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