Steven Harris And Roy McAlister Video Training And Education On Hydrogen Uses

If you are interested in how to make and use hydrogen in ways to help your preparedness – or even just your everyday living such as driving a car or truck – much easier and efficient, then check out this video education training on hydrogen featuring Steven Harris and Roy McAlister:

The following is from Steven Harris about the training:

Everything we sent you on the USB, is now available for direct download. Download and Enjoy. Its 7.5 Gigs, I do NOT suggest you download it on your phone unless you have unlimited data, and if you have an iphone, it probably wont have enough space to hold it all. You’ll have to download to a REAL computer or place it in a cloud storage system on your phone. This over 26.5 Hours of the highest quality education on Hydrogen and Fuel and Energy in General that you’ll on in a video format. The Discovery Channel is not going to put this level of quantity of education out for you and its NOT on youtube. These are epic long format educational like you’d take a class or webinar for. This is not 13 minutes of stupid entertainment put up on youtube. NOTE: This is DOWNLOAD ONLY. There are NO DVDs, there never will be, ever again. DVDs are dead. This is NOT the Previous USB, NOTHING will be mailed, ever. You have to download the videos. 

Some Example Hydrogen Education Videos From Steven Harris And Knowledge Publications

Below are just some of the videos you will find in the 26+ hours of video training!

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