This page from Steven Harris’ Knowledge Publications website shows an example of one of his book’s readers getting free solar heat for his home.
If you are ready to learn more about Steven’s charging a home or mobile solar battery bank, then get a review of his advanced training where Harris walks you through several examples in the video. Go to this page:
Below is the text from that page on Harris’ Knowledge Publications website:
Imagine walking through your house and feeling nice warm air lofting over your body. Air as warm as sunshine because that is where it comes from. You made the solar heater yourself in an afternoon with simple wood, glass, paint, screws and caulking. It went into your window as easy as an air conditioner. It looks great on the outside of your house and your neighbors think its an awesome idea. You put them in the early fall and take them out in the late spring and you get free heat all winter long lowering your heating bill and putting money in your pocket.
DARN Heating Bill is $400 a Month in Dead of Winter!!!
The problem is the darn winter heating bills. During a cold winter and you’ve gotten a few of these right? As I write this, its 41F outside and we have full sunshine hitting our house. A cloudless day. Free heat is hitting all sides of the house yet very few of us are really using it. That’s because traditional solar heat is built into the outside of the house and to put it in now takes a small construction team. I have the EASY solution to this. Its as easy as putting in a window air conditioner but this for solar heating. It puts hot air into your room all day long for nothing.
I have a sale for only the next 3 days on my BEST solar heating, winter energy saving books that will help you cut your winter heat bills starting TODAY.
Get all 3 Solar books, plus Solar Cookery as a bonus, 3 Days ONLY here at:
My Cat is more “Solar Smart” than most people
Most people say they’ll do this later or it can wait. It can’t wait. It needs to be done today, before middle of the winter hits. Build it now while its still warm but you can start seeing the benefit from it today. Now you’ll KNOW that it works and works well and you’ll be ready with either more before winter hits or at least 1 unit ready to go to save you money. Whatever room you put these in, it will be your favorite room. I guarantee it. Even my cat knows to seek out the sunshine coming through the window.
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My cat is a Solar Energy Magnet. If he can find the sunshine he’s in it all day long. Why can’t we be as smart as the cat is? |
These Books Really Work
I have several solutions for you. 1st, The Complete Hand Book of Solar Air Heating Systems will show you how to make a window solar air heater that goes in just like a window Air Conditioner. You open the window, put the solar heater in it, and then close the window and it starts working the moment the sun is out (see photos below). 2nd Solutions is the book Movable Insulation. This book is a gold mine of information. It shows you how to find all of your air leaks, then it shows you how to do simple things like using stick on magnetic striping on the bottom of your curtains to hold the curtains against the wall because cold air from the window flows down. It shows how to make attractive window covers for the inside or outside of the window that will 1. Bounce in more sunshine and 2. Keep the cold out at night. 3rd solution I have is the book I wrote, called Sunshine to Dollars. I show how to use an old door (1 buck at habitat for humanity) some free glass that you can get in ANY city and a few 2×4’s to make a solar hot water heater that works incredibly. I get 185F water in this when its 20F outside in Michigan. These lay flat on the ground so they are unobtrusive. You can put salt water in these (so it does not freeze) and move the hot liquid into and out of the house through a small pipe and have the liquid go through a heat exchanger inside the house and give you free solar heat. All of this can be done without violating the house and be done in an attractive manner so your better half will not complain.

What will this do for YOU?
– Have a nice dinner and night out with your wife paid for by the Sun.
– Make your own solar heaters for single digit dollars.
– Get all of the glass you need for them for free (in my book Sunshine to Dollars, I’ve gotten TONS of glass for free. I mean it, literally tons)
– Lower your winter heating bills, save you money.
– Have an emergency backup source of heat that does not take ANY FUEL or Electricity!!
– Get all 3 books and I’ll give you a free copy of Solar Cookery so you can make a simple solar oven and cook and fresh bake bread fresh biscuits in the Sunshine any time of year. No fuel, no moving parts. How would you like fresh hot bread or biscuits in a disaster?
– Sunshine to Dollars shows you how to cut a 10 cent piece of black plastic and place it in a window to give you 90F heat out of the top of the black plastic curtain.
Get all 3 Solar books, plus Solar Cookery as a bonus, 3 Days ONLY here at:
I did ALL of this, So You Can Too.
I Steven Harris have been an expert on Solar energy, solar heating, solar hot water, ever since I authored my book Sunshine to Dollars in 2002. I’ve done it, been there, took the photos and wrote it up so you could do it too. Nothing pie in the sky, all hands on DIY right now information, and without any fluff in it as well. I am the publisher of all of these books, we are not a reseller. I’ve carefully selected these books because they were all in my personal library and I brought them back to life so you could benefit from them. Why don’t I have other Solar books than these, because these are the best and these are all that you need on the subject. All 3 of these books are very different from each other.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
100% Satisfaction Guarantee on ALL of our books, DVDs and other products no matter what. No time limit, no expiration, you can get your money back on anything we sell at any time no matter the reason because that is how much we know you’ll love and enjoy and be able to use these books right now in your home. Lets see anyone else say that about what they sell. L.L. Bean is the only company other than mine that I know that does this. Oh, Nordstrom’s does this as well.
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