steven harris nuclear war survival skills video training course

On May 16, 2023 Steven Harris posted a Tweet on the official Nuclear War Survival Skills (NWSS) Twitter channel. In it he destroys myths people have about the nuclear fallout map which many people have seen.

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Here is what Harris has had to stay about the video training:

This is like a Harris Approved Amazon Video and I have all this stuff but its not just amazon but other items and I show WHAT TO NEVER GET as well HOW and WHY to get things. How to pick out the RIGHT ONES that WILL DO something for you, and what items WILL NOT, when the items shown are NOT available. I educate to the HOW and WHY so YOU can make the RIGHT decision for YOU, your family, Loved ones, work, and budget. We cover Potassium Iodide in DETAIL and how to protect yourself when in a contamination area.

This product includes the 2.5 hour video AND the PDF File with all the links to EVERYTHING that is in the video

This video covers 3 main segments. It covers 1. Radiation measurement tools, why you need a high range and low range and what are the problems with some of the cheap low range ones that give false readings. 2. Potassium Iodide (KI), what is it, how long it lasts, the myths, and how and why its used and the different forms to get it in. Also, I cover what is NOT KI and what not to get. 3. I cover personnel protection gear from radio active particles, nucleotides, fall out. For not breathing in particles, not contaminating your clothing and tracking in particles into the house. This is protection from particles, its NOT protection or shielding from Radiation (that is another video) or see the book Nuclear War Survival Skills. This how you do not inhale, eat or drink radio active particles. I also show how to detect these particles or contamination in food, water, and your clothing.

Even if the stuff I show you is SOLD OUT I show you the how and why of each item, its range and what it does. Your brain is filled with enough knowledge to get a different product from someone else and you WILL KNOW what that item does do and does not do. I’m not saying ‘buy this item’ I’m saying “this item does blah, because of blah, and that is why its of value.” You can apply that to geiger counter, radiation detectors in 10, 20 years from now. Not just TODAY. I teach principles that let you select ‘tools’, I do not just say, ‘get this tool’.

I also show you what is fallout and how its made, from watching the news and seeing what has happened, you’ll KNOW if it was a ground burst or an air burst and thus the fallout dangers and why…. and… with distance from the detonation, how does this apply to your safety.

Transcript Of The Above Video From His Tweet

If you prefer to read the information instead of listen to Harris, then below is the raw transcript from his May 16, 2023 Tweet:

Hi in this Steve Harris in this quick little video, I’m going to go over page 30. This is the fallout map from nuclear wars survival skills. This is the map of doom that everyone scares you with online. And I’m going to D myth and debunk all of this for you right here right now. So watch, hey, we do live and in person interviews on YouTube on radio and everything else. This can involve just me talking via video or just audio, or the cat can join us and we get out the radiological instruments on the workbench and start showing you the stuff. We tell you the best stuff you never heard. Get in touch with us. As you can tell, I’m not boring. Hi, this is Steve Harris with nuclear war survival and WSS I am going to go over quite a few of the myths that a lot of people get stuck up on in regarding nuclear exchange or nuclear events on the United States. This is a page from page 30 of nuclear war survival skills. And people keep on thinking that oh my god, this was it. You know, this is right out of the 1980s Soviet era with large detonations going after our missile fields and our command structure out here. And doing massive, massive fallout. I mean, we’re talking about a Soviet exchange with the United States of 550 Mega tons, which is absolutely that’s 20,000 warheads hitting at a quarter mega ton each. That’s what the Soviets had was 20 to 30,000 warheads, they’re now well below five, we’re now well below 5000 warheads, this whole 1980s, Soviet era thing that you see here, this is not happening. They’re not this is not the map that they will be using. Anyways, this was made up to show something as a fallout pattern and how much radiation you’d get over 14 days following 550 Mega tons on targets United States with the wind blowing at 25 miles per hour, which is completely fictitious. And everyone writes to me and they go, Well, did the nuclear power plant 30 miles from me?
How much fallout am I going to get if they drop a nuclear bomb,
stop, settle down first thing they are not targeting you, there is not a knee killer device that is going to be dropped on top of you and you’re gonna have to really worry about it. Money back guarantee, if what I said is not true. One goes off directly over your head, you can apply for your money back. But no, everyone thinks that whatever they have, oh, there’s a bicycle repair shop down the street from me and they’re going to take out the bicycle repair shop because after they destroy everything, the bicycles will be the only things that are going to be going so they’re gonna go after my neighborhood. Literally, I have heard this, okay. What we’re dealing with now in year 2023, and 320 24 is not a full on exchange between the United States and Russia. It is going to be a nucular event someplace. Where’s my arrow key someplace over there in Europe, something’s gonna happen over there. And the winds gonna blow it over there and over the Pacific, and it’s going to come over here. And a lot of it is going to degrade in that amount of time by time it gets to us. And our someone is going to get really snippy and pissy and whatever, and they are going to do decide to nuke Los Angeles, that’s probably going to be a ground nucular device, not as surface burst nuclear device. So there’ll be more fallout from a ground burst and there is and an air burst rate equal to war survival skills. And it won’t be as big as some of these are like, you know, one to five megaton bombs that they’re showing here. And everything else is a lot more lower yield and a lot more specific. In fact, our weapons right now in the United States inventory court and open source intelligence. They are very much between less than one kiloton and don’t forget that Hiroshima and Nagasaki was 15 to 20 kiloton depending on which one you’re talking you’re talking about. And right now our weapons can go from one kilo ton all the way up to like 250 kilo tons, and they can pick what yield they want that device to be that one weapon can be any of those from there from less than one kiloton to one kiloton. I mean to 250 kilotons or more when they dropped the bomb from the job, or the missile or whatever they can dial in. Because right now, the way we work, it’s okay, we want to hit right here. Exactly right there. You know, those GPS coordinates, that’s what they want to hit. And they don’t need to hit with a big bomb because they can hit very precisely. So you’re gonna see this on a lot of YouTube videos, a lot of fear mongers going this is the fallout map of urine here. It’s like, Oh, my God, no, you’re going to not be in the area of the blasts, you’re not going to be in the area of the majority of the fallout, you’re going to be getting radio nucleotides from something that happened someplace else that’s going on around the world and coming and being deposited around you, which is most likely radioactive iodine. And you’re gonna need to have potassium iodine for thyroid protection against that. Definitely have your own food and water. Remember, if you got food and water inside your house, you know, there’s no radio iodine that’s going to enter that mysteriously through your walls and contaminate you. So the best water to drink is the water you stored before any nucular incident that has happened. This is a quick little update for you from Steven Harris on the myth of this whole fall out map that you see repeated over and over and over and over and over. In fact, I’ll tell you a little secret. Do you know what the fallout targets were? Now the Soviet Union has fallen everything and things have been declassified? Here’s the fallout targets. It’s like no, it wasn’t the major cities, the first thing the Soviets would hit would be the missile fields and our ability to retaliate against them. The second thing they would hit would be the long runways where the bombers would take off from so wherever we had, I see. Surprisingly, they don’t have Nellis on the you know, all of the air force bases we had in the different areas, they’d hit the Air Force bases. With the five mile long runways, the where the bombers took off from a lot of those were also appear to oh, those were a second target to get hit. The third targets were major road intersections. So there’s a major road intersection here, there’s a major road intersection near Chicago, there’s a major road plus they want to nuke DC anyways, everything else was Major. The this was MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa. Everywhere else that was hit, which isn’t even showing up on this map was major road intersections. Because the military Kill Chain is is find, fix and finish. And by cutting off the major road interchanges, you’re stopping any and all traffic both rail and vehicle from going around the country now happens to be that major intersection for major roads is near Detroit, and near Chicago. And near, you know, here and here in New York. And there’s not a major major road intersection that goes all the way across this the country and on on i 80. So they’d break up by AD, they’d break up i 10. They’d break up i 95 in different places. They’d break up i 75 in different places, down around here and that would stop the transportations of goods and services. Those were the real targets of the Soviets in the 1980s and previous Mutual Assured Destruction method of doing bombing. And anyways, that’s one for you. If you want to have more fun facts about nuclear war survival skills, you can get them at this website right here. And I’ll have some other text on here with the links to the other websites, the shorter ones. And you can download this book for free from nuclear war survival skills, and you can get the updated one from Amazon on our link on the website as well. You could watch survival skills updated for 2022 The Green Book, not the red one, not the hard Back, it’s the green one. With the barber green and white barber poles all the way around it. This is updated for 2022, Ukraine and Russia on it. That’s the book you want to get. I’ve updated it. And whether you get the free one, this one right here, which is the 2001 version, or the 2022 version, either one, you’re pretty much guaranteed at going. I’ve had worse, you know, you’ve been through worse. Once it demystifies everything that you think is really bad and scary. And you go, I didn’t understand it. Now I do. And hey, I plan on putting out one of these videos every couple of days on a different page and nuclear war survival skills to help you get better prepared again, the original book that my mentor Kristen Carney route is free on nuclear war survival or book and Go get it download it. There’s no sign up. No, nothing, just push the big red button Download and it’ll download the PDF to you. And you can get it right now. It’s 32 megabytes, no big deal. Also, I got a lot of stuff on there. You can follow us on Twitter, you can follow us on telegram you can follow us sign up for email, I got other free resources and you can get notified easily when we put more stuff out to help you. And there’s other other freebies up there. So go to the website and go get it mobile friendly, works good all that nice stuff. Thank you very much. I’m Steve Harris and look forward to you hear in more stuff from me in the near future.

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