In December 2022, Steven Harris conducted a two-part interview with the Canadian Prepper YouTube channel regarding preparedness for nuclear war, whether it happens on USA soil, elsewhere in North America, or abroad. Steven has the exclusive rights and revised the original edition of Cresson Kearney’s book Nuclear War Survival Skills.

Here are the two interviews Steven conducted:

Part 1

Part 2

Here is more about the book from Harris himself:

The only 2022 Edition on Amazon, Now 341 Pages. You can download the PDF version of the PRINT version on Amazon (there is NOT a kindle version of the 2022 version yet). This is the PDF, NOT a printed book. Amazon has the print version. 100’s of hours of MY TIME and 30 years of experience went into me updating this for the 2022 Edition. You are FREE to get the 1987 version for FREE or for $2 or $3 here. If you like it, and want more, come back and get this update. I am the update author and publisher. The Original Author, Cresson Kearny, mentored me for nearly 8 years and I’ve taught preparedness professionally for 30 years to civilian, corporate, government and military. I’ve updated Cresson’s book for 2022. The original book written by Cresson Kearny and updated by him in 1987 is timeless. The book is fantastic and it will help you and protect you from any nuclear incident. Whether is full out nuclear war or a nuclear accident or nuclear detonations going off on the other side of the world. I address nuclear detonations in the EU and what that means to the USA. What happens if we have a few detonations in the USA? How does that affect you here. What happens and how to understand radiation will be explained to you in this book so you can be prepared and not fear it from ignorance of the subject. The whole book addresses all out nuclear war w/ USA & Russia or China, its from 1987 after all. Most everything in the book is “Expedient Civil Defense” that uses stuff easily available in your home or easy to obtain. Cresson mentored Steven Harris for years and he promised to keep Cresson’s book in print and available to the entire world in the event of a crisis. The original 1987 version is available for free download at but in 2022 Steven felt that he needed to add update pages to the book. The original work of brilliance and majesty of preparedness is not changed. Pages have been added to explain new tools and methods that exist today in 2022 that did not exist in 1987. News of a detonation will go around the world electronically instantly with an internet and communications that barely existed in 1987. Led Lights and Lithium batteries did not exist then, but, today they can provide illumination as well as Cresson’s original cooking oil lamp. We have more abundant and affordable radiation measurement devices available on Amazon & elsewhere. Cresson’s bucket stove used twisted pieces newspaper as a simple fuel which is not in every house now, yet amazon boxes are. The book is not out of date. Just updated. New updates coming out yearly. Steven Harris wants to empower you with more options and more pre-crisis preparations that are easy, affordable and local. This IS your first best book on ‘what do I do.’. Cresson’s life and my life has been dedicated to this.

Transcripts From The Above Videos

If you prefer to read the transcripts of the above two videos, instead of watching and listening to them, then below are the raw transcripts. While there may be some spelling errors and/or incorrect words due to the audio translation functionality, you should be able to get the information which Harris presented in both of them with minimal confusion.

Steven Harris NWSS 2022 Revised Edition Book Interview – Part 1 Transcript

Now we’re looking at nuclear disaster of some type could be happening right now tomorrow next week before the new year after the New Year. Risk Level Nine out of 10 Maybe maybe nine and a half. Were in the middle of a two and a half year global pandemic. We’re in the middle of a billion people dying the next three years from famine. People go well, how bad is going to be back United States like we’re gonna have a famine. Well, what’s our shortages? I go, No, no, no. Stop using the word shortages outages. This book was written absolutely for you to be able to survive everything from transpacific Fallout two iodine falling, you’re getting a direct close radioactive dose from those items in your body. And that is the problem. Nate and I right now are telling you this is survivable the number one way of being 100% Sure, is pre crisis preparation, shut up and stop finding a reason to not do it and start finding a reason to do it.
Hi, folks, Canadian prepper here. Well, we got a very special guest today one of the co authors of this book, nuclear war survival skills. This is the 2022 edition. You gotta go and pick this book up. We have Steven Harris here, who’s a former science and technology vehicle development engineer who transitioned into consulting for elements of the US government is a published author, who is the protege of Praesent Kearney was the original author of books that I just showed you, and has 30 years of preparedness skills in the field, Steven Ibia, tell people a little bit about yourself. And tell us a little bit about this book that you wrote. I’m at craft and Karina, and I 9096 at the doctors for disaster preparedness conference and immediately fell in love with the guy. He is the consummate professional scientist, Edwin York who’s mentioned in the book was a very good friend of mine, also a mentor of mine, and he was a developer of nuclear weapons. And he was at the Los Alamos test site and 19. He started there, I think, 42 all the way through the explosions and became a nuclear development engineer, and he’s one to develop all of our civil defenses that we had. So I worked very, very closely. And the man who designed the bombs, knows how to design the production against them. So a lot of that went into the book, nuclear war survival skills. And when they wrote the book, they would just put ads in newspapers, it’s like, family wanted for experiment for week long, you get paid X amount of dollars, and they would just volunteer for it. And in the book, you’ll see two college girls who volunteered for it. And they were told the scenario as a nuclear weapon had just been dropped near your city you got into your car, you went on to the country and evacuated. And all you have with you is this book, you got half a day to read the part of the book to pick what you want out of your house and take with you and go and dig a shelter and, and shelter from the radiation and the other effects. So this book was written absolutely for you to have not only the stuff in your house, and only this book, and use expedience, civil defense, which is everything that’s around you to be able to survive everything from transpacific Fallout to iodine falling from around the world and entering the food chain, either through leafy vegetables or milk or something you’re drinking, and thus, the need for potassium iodine to put good iodine into your thyroid so that radioactive iodine doesn’t go into your thyroid. The book was written with the utmost of scientific integrity of the best of the scientists of the 70s and 80s. And that was really, really rigorous science back then. And the whole idea was for this book to be available in times of crisis, to aid the American public and anyone else reading it, to help them through a nuclear crisis. And that is what I promised crossing I would do is I would make this book freely available. I promised him this in 2003, I’d make this book freely available to the public around the world for free. Whenever there was nuclear disaster, now we’re looking at nuclear disaster of some type happening intermittently, you know, could be happening right now, tomorrow, next week before the new year after the new year. It could be happening anytime in there or in 10 years. And it’s been 80 years since 1945. You know, that’s over the last time we use nuclear weapons and anger. What is your current assessment of the situation right now? And where would you put the risk level at? Risk Level Nine out of 10, maybe, maybe nine and a half 10 out of 10? We’re in the middle
over a two and a half year global pandemic, we’re in the middle of a billion people dying in the next three years, from famine due to artificial shortages of fertilizer, D, globalization, transportation issues, and literally rolling ourselves back to 1992. Those population levels, those aren’t just my words, those are the words that Peters ion which is by far smarter GL population, and economists than I am, and many others are echoing and saying the same thing as he is that we’re facing. So you got a pandemic, you know, 10s, and 10s of millions of people are more dead from the global pandemic, we are in the middle of an upcoming famine that is going to be just absolutely devastating. People go like how bad is going to be back in the United States? Like, we’re gonna have some famine and people, well, what’s our shortages? I go, No, no, no, stop using the word shortages, outages, unable to get unable to obtain out of stock. You know, it’s what we’re coming up. It’s not a shortage shortage means I go down the Walmart and I, you know, another town and I buy it because my Walmart is out. This is an outage unavailable at any price not available, the crop did not come in the amount of corn, the wheat or whatever was going to be produced, that’s making your food that your animals eat, that you eat, the animals that you eat the food from, is not going to be there. And United States, we are very much going to notice it. Now the rest of the world, principally Arabia and Africa, and parts of South America are supplied directly out of Ukraine. Okay. It’s not the Ukraine war that started this, I wrote a paper in November 2021, called the possibility of a first world famine and swimming out to sea, which means, remember, people used to commit suicide by so many Nazis be they swim out until they are exhausted, change their mind that they want to let him turn back. And they couldn’t turn back because they drown halfway back. And I would I really husband, my words, and in this report, and said, you know, we’re like 20% chance, and I put all the hypotheticals in there. And you know, I sent it up the chain. And next thing I knew, like four days later, I got a call. I was like, you know, this think tank, took up your paper and talked about it for four hours, I’m going what
they don’t talk about, you know, they don’t talk about anything except you know what, for lunch for four hours, we’re not going to be able to cover all of this stuff. Today, guys, we’re going to do our best to try to make it palatable and bite size. The important thing to take note of is that this is available for free in a digital format, like you said, and I would encourage people to do both. Because you know, there’s times when maybe all you have is your phone and you don’t want to carry this big book around everywhere. What are some of the biggest hits of surviving a nuclear conflict? It totally survivable. Few people think one nuclear bomb goes off at the end of the world. And we’ve had over 2400 nuclear detonations above and below the surface since the history of the nuclear weapons on the face of this planet, and we’re still here.
Would you say? What would you say if people push back and said, Well, yeah, but those were spread over over 3040 years. They weren’t concentrated as they would be in a all out nuclear war. What What would your response be to that? Nuclear bombs aren’t that big, you know, when I was doing chemical, biological, radiological work with DDP and Connie Chester and some other people. We’re talking about chemical weapons and biological weapons and one of our knights are saying is was the nice thing about nuclear detonation is you know, when one has gone off, there’s a bright light and Big Bang, you don’t know when a biological agent has gone off. And we’re talking about things a lot more deadly than COVID. We’re talking about smallpox and tularemia and the Ebola and everything else those the biggest threat to man to man on the planet right now. And always has been is one the virus and is to an asteroid hitting us. One does something every 10 to 20 to 30 million years, and the other one is perfectly capable of doing it sooner. nuclear explosions just are not that big. See, you can’t see a virus and you can’t see radiation, but you can see the nuclear detonation so you can kind of relate to it. And then the thing that you can’t see the radiation provides a great deal of the fear. And also back then we’re talking about 10 and 20 Mega tons city flatteners coming down with a 30 mile radius of detonation most all of our bombs now are well under a megaton and well under a quarter megaton and we even go lower down to one
Milton, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were 20 ish killed tons, and are aiming and everything is so precise. Now we want that spot right there to disappear. And so most of our weapons are dial yield, they can dial in the yield they want from fraction of kiloton all the way up to 250 kilotons to go off, there’s airburst, there’s ground bursts, there’s high altitude bursts, there’s all different variants of it. And it’s surprising thing, the majority of the attack centers in the 80s And such was not the population centers. The first thing they went after was the two mile airfields The second thing they went to my long airfields, which is where the bombers took off. The second thing they targeted was the missile fields. And the third thing they targeted was the highway intersections, happens to be most of the highway intersections are in around cities, and thus the cities get flattened. And they would probably do an airburst above like a major road intersection like I 75 and I 80, something like that. And why would they? Why would they do that? Exactly. You before we did our initial recording, you talked about something called Find, fix and finish, can you maybe explain what that means in military speak. The reason they go after the highway intersection is the military Kill Chain, politely put is find, fix and finish. You find the enemy, you fix them in place, and then you kill them. So when you go after the highway intersections, usually the railroads are next to the highways you have fixed us in place you have fixed Detroit into where Detroit is you fix Chicago, into where Chicago is, you cannot escape Chicago, through major roadways, major rare railways, etc. The two mile runways are taken out. And so like you’re in Chicago, you’re pretty much fixed in Chicago unless you’re hoping on out and everything else. So now you’re fixed. Now you can either be
left isolated, or you can be finished. And that is the part of the military kill chain, the analysis part that goes into that. It’s called the OODA loop, which is if you go on Wikipedia, it’s a fascinating thing to look at Oda called the OODA. Loop. Yes, I think another probably primary target might be like bridges and major highways that run through
very precarious terrain, like here, in Canada, through the mountains, there’s only a couple of highways, and where you to take out those highways, you’d completely disconnect two sides of the country. And the same could be true for a lot of bridges, I would presume and that would force people to be fixed in the position. There are only 21 major bridge crossings at last count across the Mississippi River. And these are both rail bridges and highway bridges. If you took those out, by any means you’ve cut the country absolutely in half. In fact, there’s one attack strategy. There was a decade ago, a barge that ran into a major bridge and Buttman and basically took the whole damn thing out. And it said, warning waves through the community is like, Is this part of something bigger? Is this just an accident? Or is this an attempt to use
non military kinetic forces to take out a large part of our transportation infrastructure. And then I think it was in the 90s or late or 80s, we had the fifth grade Lake farm in the middle of the country. And it was huge. If you see the satellite photos, literally like half the size of the Lake Erie. And that took out a great deal, the bridges and all the traffic had to go either north or very south, in order to get across the Mississippi. So one of our strongest assets in this country when it comes to Congress is our river network. It is one of the best in the world. But it’s also a way that nations have been historically divided and separated as you take is is you control the river ways the waterways, the bridges, you take out the bridges. There are many battles fought in Germany over nothing but bridges. And in fact, the Battle of the Bulge was a race of who could destroy a bridge versus who could capture a bridge one after another. So you know, you are correct. There are certain passes and bridges and other places that are used to fix a target into one space. You cannot cross that mountain range unless you’re going through that path. Yeah, and I think it’s worth summarizing your your initial myth that you talk about nuclear war
Isn’t survivable. And that’s one of the opening statements in the book itself, because this is where a lot of people’s fatalism is going to prevent them from ever taking any sort of initiative on this. And the fact of the matter is in all of the nuclear simulations I’ve seen, especially the ones that are circulating on YouTube right now that are really popular, and they’re being put on all the mainstream news websites, they’re talking about deaths in the hundreds of millions. Well, you know, reality check, there’s 8 billion people. So that means that, you know, billions of people are going to survive the initial launches, and attacks. And so you’re likely going to be one of those people, depending on where you reside, of course, and because of the fact that the primary targets of any such incident, late Peter fry talked about how the strategy with the Russians and the Chinese might be to take out all the military targets first, then hold the city’s hostage as a bargaining tool to say okay, like, you know, because we have such a, there’s such a discrepancy in the amount of nukes that they have compared to us that once we had exhausted ours, they would say, okay, either you surrender, we start nuking your cities. So there’s definitely a potential to survive it. And that’s the the unfortunate part for a lot of people is that it’s going to go out, they’re gonna go out with a whimper, not a bang. Yeah, it is. Definitely very survivable situation. And then a lot of people think it’s insurmountable and difficult. And they find I came up with the same since the pandemic, and kind of harsh and this and I tell people shut up and stop finding a reason to not do it and start finding a reason to do it, no matter what it is. Because if you tell someone what you’ve done, a lot of people haven’t done crap in their life. And they’ll come up and oh, you can’t do this. You get food poisoning, you’ll get botulism, you know, someone might sue you, you know, they’re just going to come and steal what you’re doing. This is said by everyone who hasn’t done anything to everyone who wants to do anything. And I made the mistake of telling someone, don’t tell people what you are going to do. Show people what you have done. You be the example to other people, because you and I can show everyone out there exactly how simple this is.
Us as a simple lifestyle. We used to say it’s a marathon, not sprint. Now, we might be saying, Well, right now it’s a 5k race, not a sprint. And working out, look, our grandparents lived this way. They didn’t have the supply chain. And Neil oranges at Christmas time were unheard of. They were a delicacy and a treat that my mother told me about. And getting a box of oranges from Florida in the 1940s, or 1930s was an unimaginable thing. And it’s a thing of beauty that we have available worldwide. Both Nate and I right now are telling you this is survivable, I am telling you, you can do this, it is within your power, it is not hard. And just like give us your hand, Nate and his other guests, and all of us will walk you through this step by step by step. And this is something that you can survive. It’s nothing harder than what your grandparents did when they were growing up. And that’s one of the things that I’d say in the West are priorities are not really too straight, like in Ukraine right now living so close to the war, being on the front line, they’re forced to, you know, Ron was just there. And he was telling me some stories about how the people have adapted to that, that situation. And the things here that were overly sensitive about like, like you say, the example with botulism, and how I always get these comments about people who are concerned about, you know, maybe some heavy metals in the water, or, you know, the one in a million chance of getting botulism from eating expired food or something like that. And these things are things that our ancestors and like the pioneers or, you know, people who, right now in the world, you know, are constantly dealing with and have dealt with and you know, but we’re overly sensitive to the small stuff. And one of the things that you wrote in your book here that really caught my attention is in chapter 11 When he talks about like you’re criticizing the US government’s recommendations to people and I’ve always kind of critic criticize their I call it like a Mickey Mouse sort of prepping, Disney prepping. And you say here, that you’re talking about how their advice is not to use a candle because you might light a fire right in an emergency. And I like how you summarize
As this year you say you’re in a life or death disaster with possible nuclear detonations burning 10s of square miles per event with radioactive fallout radio nucleotides in the food, and water. And you might drink all of the other horrors that come with nuclear detonation and some lawyer behind the website is worried you are going to start a fire with matches in a candle. And that just puts it in perspective how, you know, pamper of the society we become that we’re, we don’t have our priorities straight. I mean, when it comes down to it, when it comes down to survival, people will do whatever it takes. And I think people will surprise themselves also. And I always hear this sort of fatalistic speak from people who say, Well, if it happens, you know, I don’t want to survive through that. But the fact is, it’s going to happen, and you’re still going to be alive, and all your instincts are going to be present to survive. And then you’re going to be a potential liability, and a drag on those around you. So it’s it’s imperative that people take this stuff seriously. Now, what about getting on with the myths about surviving nuclear war? What about fallout from food and water? Let’s talk a little bit about Fallout. And you can just kind of expound on it in any way you want. But there’s obviously this idea that people think, well, everything’s gonna be irradiated. And you know, it’s just gonna be a toxic wasteland forever. And the end, what do you say to that?
The only thing that makes something radioactive is either by having a Neutron Particle having it, it can then become an isotope, I mean, that is how uranium turns into led over a billion years, as it goes through a radiation decay chain, it actually becomes one element after another after another after another, like uranium to Neptune, in uranium to plutonium to neptunium. It goes down to decay chain and ends at lead, edit lead is where it stops, you know, led us to be uranium at one time. So if you want to make something radioactive, you either hit it with neutrons, which happens a nuclear reaction, it doesn’t happen, really anywhere else at scale. The other thing is, you put a radioactive particle in it or on it. And the nice thing is, if we look at radioactive particles as a mosquito, Nate, do you have mosquitoes in Canada? Oh, yes, we have a lot of them. Can you see them? Do you hear though? Yes, you understand them? I don’t understand them? Well, maybe I do understand them from a survival point of view. But I don’t like them. Right, you understand that the key there’s a fear quadrant that goes from seen and understood to unseen and understood. Now Miskito we see and understand. So are we really that scared of it? Not really. Okay. A hurricane thean. And very well understood, we can see the storm coming. We know what it looks like. We know it’s a lot of wind and rain. So we see it and we understood that we’re not that scared of it. Thunder and lightning, we see it, do we always understand what lightning is other than that it’s bad. No, so that’s a little higher on the fear quadrant.
The fourth part of the fear quadrant, I’m jumping over to third is unseen, understood, if you want to scare people use care of people with something they can’t see. And something they don’t understand. They do not understand viruses, nor can they see bacteria logical or viruses. So they are scary, rightfully so, people cannot see radiation without a meter, or some other type device. And they generally don’t understand that. So if I take an unseen understood thing, and I make an analogy of it to something that you see and understand like a mosquito, you become more understanding and less scared of it, because I hate the term. Stay safe. Stay safe, stay safe, which means do nothing, stay home and pray that nothing happens to you. I prefer make it safe, you make it safe with knowledge, information, knowledge, experience, expertise, you know, doing it yourself testing, training, etc. Simple radiological meters that are available to us today. Allow us to now see the radio nucleotide particles. Let’s say you went outside and you came in, and you scuffed up the dirt on your driveway, and there was some fallout either from a Fukushima type incident or a nuclear detonation and it was on your shoes. Well, you come into the house and you take off your shoes
And your wife goes, Wait. And she takes a little simple Geiger counter and goes over your shoes and go,
she looks at the reading and it’s like, you got particles in there, you got particles on your shoes, Nate, take them outside, wash them off, chuck them again, they count, you chunk them back in. And it’s like, no, you don’t have an Excel about reading on the Geiger counter, you can now see and understand that thing that is unseen and understood. Like you can see and understand the Muskego mosquito, the Geiger counter the nuclear alert, the low range meter, the high range meters. Those all help you see the invisible and make them seen and understood. And
that’s what we want to teach you either through nuclear war survival skills, any of your other experts, me, you, etc, that it is only a little bit of knowledge away, if not difficulty difficult, you don’t need to have a scientific degree, you don’t need to have a life in the sciences. If you can learn to avoid and slap those damn Skeeters. When you hear them and feel them landing on your arm or your leg.
You can as easily learn to avoid radioactive threats to it either through ingestion, which would be the radioactive iodine primarily, or service contamination, or it fall out and being outside how much is outside? How much is inside? What about the
talk about, you know, how long would a person like just to really go to the bare basics here? If a nuclear detonation went off? How long would a person need to stay in a bunker? And before you know, it dissipated enough that it could be saved, I’m talking about the missile fields being attacked, are we talking about just like the airburst over just in general, just so the average person can understand a bit better, because a lot of people are under the assumption that the bombs are gonna go off, and we’re gonna have to stand your ground for months on end. So can you just maybe demystify that a little bit, anywhere from nothing to three days before you go outside for any portion of exposure, and then two weeks at most, and you can spend a lot more time outside, the higher the a year halfway? Well, it’s got a 5 billion year half life or it’s got a 90 day or a 90 hour or half life. The shorter the half life, the higher the energy and the amount of energy it is putting out and the more dangerous it is to you. The longer the half life, the less dangerous it is to you unless you’re going to eat it. You don’t want to you don’t want to eat it. Okay, that even goes for a lead. You don’t want to eat let the stuff that’s happening that has the high radiation that’s falling out of the sky. And sometimes a fall down the size of marbles. Depending on how close you are to nuclear detonation. And whether it’s a ground burst, or an airburst, you can be outside for minutes hours and spend the rest of the day in a shelter or in the basement all depends. It’s like let’s say you are getting one rat and our outside in the ambient and inside your basement, you’re set up to get one 100 that amount, so you’re getting a one on one, one on 100, there’s an easier number. So you’re getting 10 mil arounds an hour.
And you might have an area set up for sleeping and relaxed and relaxing that has a higher radiation factor with it. And you might get up and go upstairs and use the toilet or the shower or something else. If that infrastructure is still working, and then go back downstairs, you might get upstairs and go get some food and make a meal but then you’re going back down in your shelter. So it’s the exposure and the time, exposure and the time. Okay, so we’ll talk a bit about some of the terms you use there just a minute rads and stuff like that.
Would it be safe to say that your mosquito metaphor might somewhat apply here in that I’m thinking of like one mosquito bite, not a big deal. But if you get bit a million times, that obviously that’s a really big deal, right? You could potentially even die in some cases. Now if with the radiation metaphor, and you could correct me if I’m wrong here, maybe liked her. I liked her metaphor a lot. I like it a lot. It’s good thinking maybe you could be stung by say 1000 mosquitoes a day, you know, over
a long period of time and that would be like your exposure
so long as it wasn’t concentrated into
One big dose, is it safe to say that I’m on the right track there? Absolutely. It is an excellent, understandable metaphor. And what we just need to do is put some basic numbers to people that they don’t forget. And they’re not hard. I mean, I have a sequence I teach people have 325 and 100. And they don’t forget it. And they go, Okay, I got the basics. And
yeah, the mosquito metaphor, like you said, being stung by one mosquito, no big problem being stung by 10, you know, tied to a tree naked in a swamp, you know, and being eaten alive, that can be a problem. You can do the same thing with bee stings as well.
And it’s like, Okay, I’m gonna get stung by 1000 mosquitoes, are you gonna get stung by 1000 mosquitoes over six months? Are you gonna get stung by 1000 mosquitoes over six hours, you know, there is a big difference in their part of that big difference enters into something that is been declared false. It’s called linear no threshold, which says all radiation to your body is cumulative. And basically, the analogy is, if you jump off 1000 foot cliff, Nate, you think you’re gonna live? Probably not? No. It’s called LD 100 ld 100%. Linear, no threshold says if one person jumps off 1000 foot cliffs, and that one person dies, then of 1000 people jump off a one foot curb, one of those 1000 people is going to die. And that is not the way radiation in most cases works. It is not a linear no threshold situation. So what would the effects be one of the other concerns of preppers is what are the effects of nuclear power plants shutting down going to be if the spent fuel rods can’t be kept cooled, and the backup generators don’t have a fuel supply? What will in your assessment could be the potential radiation risk from such events a lot worse than a nuclear bomb.
It has the potential to be amount of radiation is measured the amount of rate you get that you got the rate of radiation, and then you got the amount of radiation like your garden hose puts out five gallons a minute, but you let it run for 20 days. So it’s five times 24 times 20. And that is generally measured and a term which I’m going to kind of slaughter depending on which way you say it. It’s called bear calls. And it’s the amount of radiation released, the amount of tolerate radiation released from Chernobyl was by far more than Fukushima and Fukushima was a fair amount of radiation. There mount the quantity of radiation we released over a period of time, like let’s say, four months out of the z and P P reactors of all six of them blew their tops. And keep in mind they’re not blown or tops of radiation or nuclear explosion. They’re they’re blown. They’re tops from hydrogen, those are the nuclear actors in Ukraine, for people who don’t know. I’m sorry. Yeah, so those are the six reactors. I think the 14 total in in Ukraine right now.
They generally require grid power to operate.
The absolute walk on water geniuses that run these nuclear reactors, I have been to them, I have been inside them. I know the people, at least in the continental United States, they are some of the most dedicated, serious, intelligent people you would ever want, and they don’t want anything bad happen, they will. And as proven and actually Chernobyl, they will sacrifice their life to protect the greater population and that has occurred. But the the total quantity of radiation coming out of a single point, or multiple points, or multiple single point location like that can far be larger than that of a nuclear detonation, especially when we’re talking about months of release, before they can try to get a handle on it. And that does pose a pretty significant problem to people because
it’s more like the fire hose you’re getting. You’re getting wet and you’re getting wet on a daily basis depending upon where the wind is blowing and what’s been being deposited. In that case, you have a continuous source of radioactive iodine, which is one of the byproducts along with a whole family of other radioactive nucleotides.
been deposited and put into the air and falling down. I mean, I literally measured the radiation from Fukushima when I went over Pittsburgh, and it rained the cloud. If anything goes Fukushima in this world, it will be tracked more accurately than the biggest damn hurricane that has ever happened, they will know where that thing is more accurately than a hurricane. In this case, I knew it was over Pittsburgh, I had an industrial shop there, it rained that day in a rained on hundreds of 1000s if not millions of square feet are off ran down all the gutters, collected in a puddle. And I had a meter sensitive enough to read it a background radiation meter. And the radiation in that puddle was three to four times background radiation and lasted for about a week, because it was probably iodine and the half life died out pretty quickly. But you know, that’s not a dangerous level, it’s like the level you can read and the level that dangerous are two different things. And it’s like the exposure of the radiation to the body. At that low level is not a thing at all, you get much more flying in an airplane, or even going through some antique shops with radioactive glazing on pottery and radium dials. You know, some areas Colorado have a high background radiation five, eight times the background radiation that you and I are receiving right now. And it’s no big deal. However, if you ingest any of those particles into your body, and they are now in your body in your intestines and your stomach, and they’re
that far away from all the cellular membranes and dirt doing an alpha or even a beta emission, let alone gamma, you’re getting a direct close radioactive dose from those items in your body. And that is the problem. So being exposed one thing what’s called Whole Body Radiation versus radiation that you’re drinking or consuming are two different things. Now radioactive iodine you can protect from that was gonna be my next question. How can people protect themselves? And we’ll probably go into more depth about the different types of iodine. But what what utility is potassium iodide for nuclear emergencies? Why should people have this in their survival kits.
The thyroid is dependent upon iodine to produce the chemicals that it produces for your body. It uses iodine as its feedstock. Now, it doesn’t care what the type of iodine is. But it stores it holds it for a number of periods of days. Before it’s replenished, and it’s replenished through our diet on a regular basis. Every from eatin things that contain iodine naturally, or there’s a little bit of it put into our salt, which has been a tremendous addition to human health. Let me increase in iodine levels and people.
You cannot use table salt iodized table salt to protect yourself. It’s not enough. You know, let’s say it holds an amount of kg of iodine, let’s say at that this month just being subjective, okay. And it goes down a little bit and gets refilled and goes down a little bit and gets refilled through our daily diet. Well, if that gets filled up with radioactive iodine, then that is, in this case, I believe it’s an alpha emitter, it’s sitting there right in your thyroid and it’s doing an admission directly into the tissue of the thyroid. Over time, you’re getting a direct dose, I mean, that far away from all of your tissue, which is not good. Rather being three feet away or six feet away or one foot away. It’s that far away, which is like you can see right here that’s like nothing far away. So you’re talking about thyroid, the iodine that’s given off from nuclear events. Correct. Now, if you fill your thyroid on a daily basis with non radioactive iodine, which is called potassium, iodide, is the chemical name for it but colloquial,
in the language and average people, its atomic symbol is a que and an eye and most people call that potassium iodine and unlike the very horrible thing why people call salts Oh, that’s sodium as I know it’s sodium chloride. They many times they’ll say they’re passing out iodine and everything else. And that’s not true. The compound is not the elements if you know how bad sodium is and how bad chlorine
As you know that table salt exhibits, none of the behaviors of its individual constitute elements that make up that chemical compound. Same thing with potassium chloride, magnesium chloride, Epsom salts, magnesium sulfate plaster Paris calcium, Silva, it’s not the does not have the individual characteristics of, of the individual atomic elements that’s in it. So if you fill up your thyroid with a daily dose of good potassium, iodine that’s not radioactive. Then when you do ingest radioactive iodine, it just goes right past your thyroid, goes through your kidneys, and you piss it out, you know, within hours or half a day. And it’s like it’s in your system, and it doesn’t have days of residence time, it’s got hours, and you piss it out. and away it goes. And most iodine is not a problem after 10 to 100 days, at least, this has a very short half life to it. So how much of this stuff then would a person need? If there was a worst case scenario where we had full on launch of everything we have? You know, and, you know, maybe a few hit major cities were hit. But you know, there’s nuclear actors going off, that haven’t been maintained because of the nuclear blasts. And of course, all the nuclear bombs, how much do you think
a person should have on hand? And I guess we might as well because we’re on the topic, talk about the different types. I had Dr. Bones and nurse Amy on who are doctors. And they I know Joe Alton and and Amy very well, they’re very good friends. Excellent. They’re excellent. They’re the height of medical excellence in the field. And so as Ron Hubbard outlets, survival shelters, they’re a finer hardly a finer quality person of other than all those people you thought you could have talked to, you could get Ron Hubbard, a briefcase of $5 million, and say, Brian, we put this you’re safe for me. You come back five years later, and he goes, look at your briefcase for you. I mean, there’s hardly, there’s hardly a person of higher integrity
than Ron Hubbard and our doc bones and nurse Amy. They’re all the highest professionalism and integrity
in the field that they’re working in. I agree. And so they did a video with us recently, where they’re showing people how to use iodine because when this whole thing started, there was a shortage of the FDA FDA approved potassium iodide fiber safe. And they did a video showing people how to use iodine. Now they require the they all obviously they have the expertise on how to administer that sort of thing. But for the average person, how much potassium iodide would they need if we’re talking about a worst case scenario,
it is very well documented, documented bulk by the FDA, Oak Ridge National Laboratories. And it’s in this book on how to take it in a powdered format in a solution as well as the pills and everything else. We tell you the coated pills, whether you’re using
the arrow save IOC or anything and here is like a generic that’s available on Amazon there’s lots of them. Note you want potassium iodide okay you do not want potassium with iodine you want potassium iodide, the child dose is 65 milligrams per day for 10 to 14 days or as long as local officials and or your personal physician is telling you to take it if you have an allergy to shellfish or an iodine sensitivity you cannot at all take it and there is really no substitute for you. You’re you’re stuck but this stuff and I’m opening this here
okay, I you think salt they will take a mouthful salt. Okay, hey, I in its raw form is 1000 times worse in tasting but these little tablets that you get from Tyrell safe or anyone else. They’re like coated aspirin they got a little coating on them that makes that your taste buds not taste it while it’s going by your tongue and down into your stomach.
And nuclear war survival skills covers any side effects that you might have and believe me, they are absolutely minimal. Here’s an example of iodine in a powdered format that you might use.
You can also buy in powdered format, up to a kilogram of it on Amazon and believe me, that’s enough to take care of your entire block the
The adult dose is 130 milligrams per day, which would be four drops of a saturated solution acai and water, or it’d be 265 milligram
tablets. And that is enough to fill up your thyroid such that any radioactive iodine that you either inhale accidentally drink or accidentally eat is not going into your system. And Nate, you know, the simplest Miss method as well as I do. I’m not to get radioactive iodine, from food and water in your body. And that is having food and water that you got before there was a nuclear incident that is perfectly 100% safe to drink, because it didn’t magically float over into your water storage or your food storage or your freeze dried or your king goods or your staples, or whatever else that you wanted in your house and then you then ate it if they were sealed. So the number one the number one way is of being 100%. Sure, is pre crisis preparation. And Hiroshima and Nagasaki were 20 ish kilo tons and we’re talking about 35,000 That is a DJI normas humongous weapon.
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Steven Harris NWSS 2022 Revised Edition Book Interview – Part 2 Transcript

In Switzerland, every building has a shelter and its basement. There are no shelters for the American public. In the United States of America, they do not exist. United States and Canada has completely failed to provide for civil defense for its population, our transition to D globalization will be worse than it was for their grandparents or in World War Two. The way you kill millions of people at a time is through starvation. You cut their food off this world is nothing but a graveyard of dead civilizations.
The people think one nuclear bomb goes off at the end of the world. And we’ve had over 2400 nuclear detonations above and below the surface since the history of the nuclear weapons on the face of this planet. And we’re still here. One of the other things I wanted to ask you about was what is the risk of contamination like let’s say there was a, you know, something that had happened and with the crops that year B basically a write off with the any sort of exposed food or water sources? How long would it take for these, these toxins to dissipate less than 100 days, 100 days, the radioactive iodine will be
one 1,020/4 of what it was when it was created, or when it landed. So the half life is about 10 days. So any radioactive iodine is not like salting the planet with something that is going to be there, you know, forever at all. Would it be safe to say, though, that any like, if this happened during the growing season, would those crops potentially be a write off? Or at the very least a hazard? Well, yeah, during the period that the iodine is radioactive there hazard but it if they’re just growing? No, it’s not a hazard. Any anything you get from ingesting KTI probably, like if you look at the Marshall islanders are exposed, I think it was IV Mike, they didn’t develop thyroid issues for six to nine years after the test. So it’s not like an immediate thing you fall over. It is preventing something that is a long term
issue that develops in a decade or less. Typically, people’s food storage is behind many barriers, including, you know, being enclosed in a cabin or a jar of freeze dried Mylar bag or something like that, which all would be protective against those things. It’s not gonna it’s not going through there, that’s not going in through that bag and into the food at all. Okay. And another myth that you talk about in the book is the myths of deaths based on calculations of yield versus population density. Because oftentimes, we hear like, you know, the Tsar Bomba was 100, like Mega tons, which is like, what, like, 1000 odd times bigger than the Hiroshima bomb. It was 55 Mega tons capable of 100 Mega tons, right. And so, it was to change the units a little bit so people don’t get confused again. So then 5055 Mega tons, I want to say it was 55,000 kilotons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were 20 ish kilo tons, and we’re talking about 55,000 versus 20. So you know, that is a DJI normas humongous weapon. The point you were making in your book was that, you know, if you were to take that 55,000 kilotons, and spread it across, you know, 1000 bombs, the devastation caused would be far greater than if you just used it all in one bomb in New York City. So like, instead of dropping 110 Mega ton bomb in New York City, they would detonate several smaller ones far apart, and they would stagger them, it’s like, do I want to put 850 rounds a belted 308 through an M 60. and fire it, you know, all at once? Or do I want to put all those individual 308 rounds through a sniper rifle and shoot one person at a time? Which one do you think is going to kill more? Yeah, yeah. analogy makes sense. Absolutely. Yeah. And I think this is where some of the estimates of you know, overall, deaths have been somewhat inflated, because they’re basing the calculation on the yield and population density. Remember, historically, throughout history, I’m going to talk about
millennia, the way you kill millions and 10s of millions and hundreds of millions of people at a time in years or decades. It’s through starvation, you cut their food off. That’s why historically it has been done. Food starvation has killed many more people than war. And keep in mind World War Two killed 80 to 100 million people from China all the way to Germany and Russia. 35 million Russians died fighting World War Two. It was less than a million gi guys that died during World War Two. You’re probably familiar with the movie threads in the day after, what do you think they get wrong? I’ve not seen threads but the day after I fact, I’ll go watch threads before our next interview if we have one. Just so we can talk about any aspects of it that really, yeah, the gist of it is that basically Britain gets I don’t know how many mega tons, right? Like it’s all out nuclear exchange between the Russians and the United States and Britain. And a lot of the myths that you’re talking about, are depicted in this movie, like nuclear winter,
stillborn babies, you know, genetic defects, crops not being able to grow for years and years. And just a complete reversion to like medieval, Mad Max type stuff. It’s actually a very terrifying movie. When have you ever seen Hollywood do anything of anything? That’s really scientific integrity, unless it’s really like hard what’s called hard science fiction, which is all science fiction based upon physics. What do you think about that? Like, because Britain is obviously it’s an it’s an island, you know? So if they were to take the hits as depicted in that film, do you think that there’s, you know, let’s talk about maybe the the genetic defects and genetic damage, the sustain because you’re talking about while six to nine years people develop cancers and stuff like that? Is this going to be a problem long term, that’s going to drastically reduce our ability to procreate. We already have enough problems procreating we’re not at our replacement rate. We don’t need radiation to help us with that game. But would it make it worse? No, you can look at the you can look at the studies, the the Marshall Islanders, the people around bikini, ATOL and everyone else. They were studied for decades and decades and decades and decades. And those surveys, which again, were done in the 50s and the 60s and 70s. Those are you know, the height of our of our Apollo era scientific integrity. So we’re the the Marshall Islands for people who have no idea what that is, which is going to be most people. What are they so islands, they did a test of one of the first fusion devices. And the thing is they expected it to be like five mega tons. It’s still getting a five megaton explosion. And they got a 15 megaton explosion, which was the largest intentional explosion the United States ever did. So the mushroom cloud, the fallout, I mean, they had instruments that they were depending on destroyed from this big of a detonation that they didn’t expect. And the result was a great deal of fallout over a great deal of people that weren’t evacuated, that didn’t expect it. They were really, really, really certain of a five megaton Neil, not a 15 Mega ton. I mean, they entered a whole order of magnitude of difference of what they were expecting, and saw there was a great deal for a lot of people in the Marshall Islands, and other areas, and they ate radioactive potassium, iodine, they drank it, they were exposed to cesium and other Fallout products that fell around them. So they’re getting the whole body radiation. And I mean, even survivors of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, were tracked, literally until year 2000. And what you know, how their life was, and everything else, and you know, all did they have side effects, do they not have side effects? You know, what was their life like? Do they have prolong life? That was a question that was asked, do they have a shorter life? And how many of them and what was the distribution curve of it? There’s a great deal of science that went behind this, and looking at those reports will provide you a lot more factual information than what I can’t with respect to you know, what you’re saying then is that, yes, there might be some adverse health effects, but they’re not they wouldn’t be as catastrophic as depicted in Hollywood. They’re survivable. It wouldn’t entail the end of the human race. It wouldn’t create, you know, mass infertility and mass, stillbirth and infant mortality and things of that nature. That’s that’s the gist of what you’re saying in general.
In general, and actually, they saw believed in the problems with pregnancy and Russia after Chernobyl, they, they put people on buses and everything. And if they were female, and they were pregnant, they forced them to have an abortion. Right. So I mean, there’s, you know, I think we’re perhaps a little past that in terms of our, our social development, but there is always
that was always a sixth, we’re a little bit further, worth almost 30 years advanced on 40 years advance from that now in our medical knowledge, but you bring up a good point that there’s always the risk, that these falsehoods could lead to real,
real world disasters in terms of like government policy and stuff, as we’ve seen maybe in the last few years, right. So don’t let, don’t let the faults have been a reason for you to do nothing. You’re in more danger of walking out your front door and getting your car and going down to the grocery store than you are from these dangers. Don’t let the falsehoods be a reason that you move yourself into inaction, fear and the inaction that comes from it is the worst cancer you can put upon someone, there’s a fine line, there’s a balance, I think, because you if you paralyzed with fear, then you’re going to do nothing. But if you’re not fearing anything at all, you’re also not going to do anything. It’s just like Joel Skousen makes a point that if you give people any bit of hope, whatsoever, they’re likely not going to prep 100% I 100% agree with that man. If you get 1% chance of hope, they are going to use that as a reason not to prepare and say all it’ll be fine and, and everything else. Shane Connor or buddy from chi for you put together these little vials of potassium iodine, and he held on he made them up when he has people weren’t busy. He had them filled aisles, did this for years, and he stacked them in the corner. I mean, pallets and pallets and pallets, because he knew there was going to be a nuclear accident in the future or something where potassium iodine was going to be needed. And this isn’t available form of potassium iodine that you can use, and Fukushima happened and he was giving 20 orders a minute from scared people around the world. Thanks in one sorry, one sort of fear causes paralysis. One sort of fear causes motivation. That’s a real world example of fear motivation. I do not like to motivate by fear, I like to motivate by confidence and hope. Yeah, you really need fear is kind of the initial impetus. And then you need rewards and sort of higher order motivations in order to go much further with whatever it is you’re doing.
I would say that a lot of the population today, because we’re so used to plug and play by would probably advise them just to go with the thyroid safe because it’s easy, and most people like are never going to get to the level unless they’re panicking. You know, when the pandemic hit, everybody was looking for alternative solutions online. So they’re buying whatever they could. And this of course, created a you know, like a fraudulent market, where people were buying things that don’t protect them. Everyone got on to the thyroid safe and everyone got into the potassium iodine business in the last couple of years, there used to be only IO sat and thyroid safe out there. And those are, you know, nevermind the lose iodine and painted on yourself and everything else. The gold standard for treatment of care is 130 milligrams a day for adults of potassium iodine, that is the gold standard. That is what is known to work. There’s also another one called potassium iodate, but it’s not as common as iodide these days. A lot of other people in the supplement market have gotten on pick as potassium iodide is a standard salt that is used in chemistry. It’s used to produce a lot of things that we have around us daily. So if you go on to Amazon or Ebay and you look for potassium iodide and it says potassium I died on it and 65 milligrams on it. That’s tough. You’re you’re you’re pretty safe with even if you can’t find Tyro safe, and I’ll say that but even amongst these, quote supplements, this is still considered the gold standard. Let’s say this is the silver standard, the amount of information in this book, even though it’s very easy to follow, it’s very easy to read. It looks intimidating, because a lot of people are used to big bright colorful, shiny pictures and stuff but I assure you it’s it’s entertaining also, it’s an entertaining read. So don’t let the sigh
isn’t all the scientific jargon intimidate you from not wanting to get this book because I was strongly recommended.
He put that book in so many people he put in front of so many people average people would have never knew what it was. And he goes, Okay, what didn’t you understand? And they circled everything they didn’t understand. They went back and he rewrote it. Okay, it’s written to be simple. And then he gave it to other people. And it’s like, what didn’t you understand and and, like nothing he got he rewrote, and rewrote, and rewrote, and rewrote that book, until the average person with a sixth grade education could understand everything in that book, he got it to the point where the average person could understand otherwise it would be worthless, in part of the addendum that you added for the 2022 version was talking about a different methods of communication, like you talked about social media and stuff like that. I’ve always been a little bit critical about the government’s openness about the seriousness of the situation, when it is an actual crisis. If we look at a more recent example, in prior to the Russians invading and in February Solinsky, knew that the Russians were about to invade. But he didn’t want to spook the population because it would have jammed up all the roadways. This has documented that the reason why they didn’t warn people because they were worried about logistics. So I can only imagine what sort of lengths the government will go to to mitigate panic. In the situations. What do you think the advance warnings will be? Do we still have things like air raid sirens, what is it going to look like? There was a video I was asked to play for you from my buddy Dave. And it’s a simulation of the Emergency Alert System. Now I’ve heard the Emergency Alert System, which is what we have in the USA, go off twice in my lifetime, for real once was during the blackout of 2003. And I wrote a book called Surviving the blackout of 2003. But WW J 9:50am. Play the EAS tones and the alert. And instead, instead of saying in the event of an actual emergency, you will be given instructions. It was just like blank, there were no instructions, but they they it EAS system got triggered. The other time was the day all the schools got closed in Michigan, the state of Michigan activated the EAS system and I got a recording of that coming across my television system. The trouble is it is illegal to play these tones. Yeah, on YouTube and on the air because the EAS reserves, what’s called the squawk and the tones the app.
tone that you hear, as in actual tests are actual emergencies. And young Sheldon on CBS actually accidentally played that on a show and they got fined like a quarter million dollars, you can go to jail for playing those tones publicly. But
it really makes even you and I look at that simulation and go. Okay, what would we do if we saw this for real? Okay, it’s really happening.
And it’s spooky and I think the withholding of information from people is one of the biggest travesties and harm that is out there. In fact, Edward Teller didn’t even believe in keeping stuff classified. He wanted everything declassified.
I think as humans, we are under credited, and we can handle
these emergencies as well. They don’t need to worry about not panicking us, which seems to be the big thing, the government TV and the media and everyone else is like, Oh, we don’t want panic. We don’t want panic and the threshold for what panic is keeps on getting lower and lower and lower. Do you not think that people would panic to the point of making the government’s job of getting everything put into place where they needed it? When the smoke settles? Don’t you think that would complicate their job?
Okay, you’ve talked you’ve talked about on your channel about Russia and Poland and Switzerland, and all these other places getting their nuclear shelters for their population ready, right.
You know why you’re not reporting on the US and Canada and other places getting their shelters ready for the public? Either because
is it’s not happening or if it’s happening, it’s happening in secret. Why do you think that is?
There are no shelters for the American public in the United States of America. In fact, there are not even shelters on military bases for military personnel from radioactive black from from nuclear blast, and you go to fall out. I have been to Cheyenne Mountain. That is one place that is protected from radioactive blast and radioactive fallout. I have seen the springs underneath the buildings, I’ve seen the 225 ton doors that protect it from the tunnel. I have been all through the complex and had the three hour tour. Fascinating place, I have sat in the chair of the general, like you kind of see in the movie from the 80s. What was it? Not not Terminator? Not the new Terminator. No, no, no, no, it was. Do you want to play a game? How about global war games where you know, it’s a simulation of Global Thermonuclear War. I have sat in that chair. I’ve been there. I’ve been to Nevada Test Site and Ben at the edge of Sudan crater and everything else there. The reason why you are not talking about us getting our bunkers ready for the American population for Fallout or blast is because they do not exist. That’s one of the things doctors for disaster preparedness. And physicians for Civil Defense have been advocating for a long time, starting in the 80s. Along with Dr. Edward Teller, who was a member of the group, and many other nuclear scientists, as we need to have a national shelter system in the United States. That’s real. That’s not a plaque on the side of a building with a basement in New York City. In Switzerland, every building has a shelter in its basement, every building of a certain size, every apartment building. They have entire soccer fields with fallout shelters and blast shelters with nuclear chemical and biological filtration on them for like, one and a quarter of the population, because there’s gonna be people visiting and everything else. So they have overcapacity for their shelter. And that’s built in the law of every building is going to have that Russia has shelters, a lot of it is underground subways, for its population, and other countries have it to a different degree. But the United States and Canada has completely failed to provide for civil defense for its population, and for its military, and it is an absolute travesty. It’s so simple to avoid. And it’s such an easy protection for your population. I mean, let alone if you know you’re up in Upper Canada, and down here in the south of the United States and Texas, they have thing called tornadoes, and would be a beautiful shelter for tornadoes and any other severe weather that occurred. But again, let’s not scare people by putting shelters you know, in their apartment complexes and underneath or soccer fields or football fields or whatever, or baseball fields or whatever field that it is that you want to do. Yeah. And if they’re not willing to do it this far in advance. I mean, we’re starting to see some like public service announcements. You know, what the New York PSA talking about which, obviously, you have a lot of criticisms of, and rightly so, and some radiation awareness campaigns for radiological events, but it seems like they’re very being very sensitive, or they’re catering to people’s sensitivities, so not to upset people. It is by far more insidious than that. It came out in what we call open source intelligence, which means newspapers and Google and stuff like that. And they changed some of the PSA and they’re on the backs of buses, and we have photos of them. And that one with the lady of saying, well, let’s say the big one has happened, we don’t know but the big one was happened. Here’s what we need to do. Stay inside, don’t leave wait for further instructions. Turns out that was for a dirty bomb threat. A dirty bomb possibility, which is all that is, is conventional explosive, taking radioactive contamination of whatever type you want from a hospital, a CAT scan machine or anything else. Any other type of medical isotope and you’re just like spreading it all with a detonation over Time Square, and you’re not really hurting or killing people. There’s no nuclear reaction.
That’s an area of denial and the fear weapon. And that’s what they were predicting about. And the reason why they were making those PSAs was to cover their rear end to say, Well, you can’t say we didn’t warn you. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, I think that was one of the reasons I gave. Yeah, exactly. It was like, don’t sit, you know, we can’t say we didn’t warn you and put something out there, which is, you know, and when I was in Pennsylvania, I was a sheriff’s deputy. And I was in the sheriff reserve. And that’s kind of like a volunteer firefighter, okay, you volunteer to run in the building, but you don’t get paid. And we did the same dude, we did the same duty as a sheriff’s deputy where were deputized officers, we were officers of the law, we carry the gun, the badge, uniform and everything else. But the thing is, we raised our hand and we took an oath. And yes, we took an oath to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to protect it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. But the other oath we took was to put our bodies our lives, you know, with our bulletproof vest, and with our lethal force, and all the tools on our belt, which are mostly less lethal, we promise we took an oath to protect the innocent, from the malevolent. And that’s why it’s called the thin blue line, the thin blue line is the line between good and evil, the innocent and the malevolent. And these politicians are absolutely not taking that oath or any portion of it, or seriously, well, I just hope that people never have to utilize any of these skills. But unfortunately, the way the world is going, it appears that they’re, they may well have to and I guess I would rather that I would rather, nothing ever happen. And I’d be told how wrong I was, then something happened just to be vindicated. Because if what we’re talking about here happens, it’s going to be such a catastrophe, it’s going to be so a billion does a lot.
The all of the individual like a Hollywood movie cannot depict how bad it’s going to be. Because it only it only follows one, they typically follow one protagonist, right in any Hollywood account. But you have to multiply those stories by millions and millions of people to really get an understanding of what it would actually be like. It is absolutely incomprehensible. The level Malone’s and evil that is out there, and the people that battle against it, you know, as as was Orwell, it said, rough men stand ready the night to do great harm upon our behalf. So we may sleep peacefully in our bets. And even if we even this all blows overnight, and we have no nuclear detonations, it’s a great to great Huracan Nobel Prize winner, Award Level efforts are done to alleviate the majority of the possible and upcoming famine throughout the world is alleviated. Everyone watching you right now is going to have to use some level of your preparedness, or the preparedness I’m teaching you’re teaching or other ones teaching period has guaranteed in our lifetimes, you’re going to have a blackout of 2003, you’re going to have a winter storm, you’re going to have thunderstorms and knocked the power out for two weeks or a week, you’re going to have all of that happened to you in your lifetime guaranteed.
And you’ll be happy for like, I don’t have to worry about anything, you know, sometimes after we reiterate this on the channel is that we’re kind of deviating from our purpose here today. But I will say that part of my motivation, and part of my hope is that these preparedness efforts are, are also helpful towards personal development as much as they are just for you know, surviving a disaster because you can only prepare for hard times, if you are taking good care of yourself right now. So my whole belief is that preparedness can actually motivate people to do better in their life. And I always say, maximize your time while the grid is here. And while everything is normal, because one hour in our current society, the way everything is nice and convenient right now is worth 100 hours. After times get hard and that grid is no longer there. Like it’ll take you 100 times the, the the amount of time to acquire something that right now you could just walk down to the store and get so in that sense, even if nothing happens, people become better people, right? People become more productive members of this society. They become healthier people. And you know, so long as they’re not big
Coming paralyzed with fear, which is something I hope that I’m doing enough to defuse, at the same time compelling people to be, you know, to take these matters seriously because I do you know, reading, you know, the collapse of complex societies, I do believe that the D globalization that is coming is going to be a bumpy ride, even if it doesn’t go nuclear. So, getting our transition, our transition through D globalization will be by far worse and our grandparents went through World War Two in 1941 1945. It is going to be a rougher road for us than it was for them during World War Two. I agree. But, but we will, we will absolutely make it we will come out the other side and we will come out better that is the history of everything that we’ve done. As far as what you said about the fall of civilization is this world is nothing but a graveyard of dead civilizations. From the Roman Empire for the Egyptian empire and all the way up and through all of them this this plan is nothing but a graveyard of dead and or evolved or conquered civilized civilization. When the nucular device goes off. When it goes critical. It does so about three quarters of a millionth of a second. It’s not a physical particle, a little piece of energy eagle flies off of it very high speed, it can impact do they can disrupt your DNA can cause burns depending upon how close and how much you get.
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